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- XII:Looking at the world from a different angle
- XI:The Force
- 10 of Gifts: Forgiveness
- 9 of Insights: Inspiration
- 8 of Gifts: Imagination
- VII: The Chariot.
- 6 of Tools: Journaling
- V: The Pope
- 4 of Insights: Balance
- 3 of Tools: Dreams
- II: The Popess, Inner Wisdom
- 1 of Challenges: Potential
- Winter Solstice Contemplation '24-'25
- The Nan Yar Travel Kit: Vulnerability
- Self reflection with an ordinary card game
- Wat does 'embracing the self' mean to you?
- Conscious Experience Festival September 9th at 'Pluk' The Hague
- The Unexpected Explained
- The Origin of JoY
- Stay Safe, Stay Healthy
- Reality versus Make Belief
- The Body Language of Energy
- The Gifts of Fate
- A Recipe for Healing
- Modern Times
- State of Fear
- Back to School
- The World is Unwinding
- My Precious
- Attachment to Outcome
- What We All Have in Common
- Loosing Weight by Gaining Awareness
- Escaping the Treadmill of Tweets
- The Price of Durable Agriculture
- Don't Offer the Good Biscuits
- 3 Tools for Self Care
- Suddenly I see
- Who else could have done it?
- The Catch 22 of Quick Fix Healing
- What Do We Teach Our Children?
- Being There, Being Grateful
- Game of Thrones 2019 AD
- Humanity is Angry with Each Other
- The Energy of Communication
- Stepping out of Denial
- The Grandma Revolution
- Earth Flu
- The Make Belief Meditation
- Mind Your Language
- 365 days of gratitude
- As Time Goes By
- The Sense of Movement
- Who Do You Think You Are
- Knowing who you are
- The Old Farmer Looked up at the Sky and Said: It Looks Like Rain
- Forget, Forgive and Smother it
- The Wholesome Spending Challenge
- Healthy, Energized and Empowered
- The Seasons and their Elements
- Hildegard von Bingen and High Sensitivity
- The Alternative Prinsjesdag Speech
- 3 Keys to Spiritual Awakening
- Walkabout
- The Donna Eden Energy Routine.
- Moon Wisdom in Times of Change
- The Cost of Convenience and Happiness
- I'll do anything you like
- Dear Mr. Einstein
- 'Griefwalker' Stephen Jenkinson
- Some Chaos Please
- To People with Friends in High Places
- Comfort zones can be mighty confining
- 3 things narcissists will tell you
- Doing Things My Way
- The Commemoration of May 4th
- C for Coincidence
- To Facebook or Not To Facebook
- The Pursuit of Happiness
- Emotional Spring Cleaning
- Freedom of Choice
- Me and My Shadow
- The Plight of New Age Children
- Feeling constantly stressed out?
- My Blue Mercedes
- The Do Absolutely Nothing Challenge
- On Beached Whales and other post Christmas thoughts
- How To Make A Wish Come True
- To Make the World a Better Place
- Forgotten Wisdom
- Little Left To Wish For
- Sinterklaas & Santa Claus in Holland
- Why Bears Hibernate
- Halloween
- Let's All Embrace Each Other NOW!
- Taking back my power
- Energy travels to where it is needed...
- On Constant Overdrive
- Traditions versus Times of Change
- Ditching negative energy, like water from a duck
- Politics and 'Prinsjesdag'
- Thinking of those in need
- Breaking news: The Black Dot Revealed
- 3 Tips for a Successful Holiday
- The Life Force at Work
- Meridians and their Affirmations
- The Do's and the Don'ts
- Mindful Language
- Body Language, Body Wisdom
- The World Today
- It's not About The Watch
- Traveling the Mind by Traveling the World
- The World behind the Illusion
- Un-face your worries
- Calling all Victims
- The Beauty of Breath
- Judgement
- The Spirit of Money
- The Energies of Dying
- Valentine's Edition: All About Frequency
- Interview with Ineke Koedam of the National Expertise Centre for the Dying
- Seeing the Path over Seeing the Future.
- Some Personal Tools to Make the World A Better Place
- The Devil's Trumpcard
- The World a Hundred Years Ago Today
- Where do you want to go in 2017?
- Where do you want to go in 2017?
- Is it about what 2017 will bring?
- A Perfect Christmas
- I suffered not because I lived in 2016,
- What You Can Do To Change The World
- A Time and Place for Everything
- Interview with Dr. Sara Allen on Energy Medicine for the Dying
- A Typical Case of Number 2
- The Illusion of the American Presidential Election 2016
- The Art of Tapping Into Good Frequency
- What You Think is what You Get
- Entertainment as Self-Reflection
- The Art of Being a Healer
- The Art of Showing Your True Colors
- The Art of Self-Care
- Brexit
- Double New Beginnings
- Stepping Out Of The Holiday Box
- 3 Steps to Boost Intuitive Skills
- Promoting A Good Yawn
- Paleo Fitness: The Bodylanguage of Energy
- Kings and Queens in Personal Development
- The Illusionist.
- Home Made Awareness Budget Spa
- Johan Cruijff, 1947-2016
- The World at My Feet
- The Key to Happiness.
- Have You Seen This Puppet?
- Highly Recommended: movingpeople.nu
- The Catch of Complaining
- Mindful over Matter
- Unconditional Love
- We are all Unique, just like everyone else.
- Observation
- Highly Recommended: Miron Ashkenazy
- The Power of Honesty
- Card of the Day: Inspiration
- The Knight of Challenges
- Now-solutions.
- It's Self Pampering Day!
- Let It Go, Let It Go, Let It Go...
- Mindful Christmas Holidays
- Lessons in Love
- Paris as Part of the World.
- The Archetypes of Sint & Piet
- Why Birds Build Nests
- Card of October 27
- Sore throat? Feeling a flue coming up?
- Try Out Energy Medicine Class
- The Gifts of Autumn.
- How to make a difference.
- Being careful with conclusions
- Living from the Heart
- Where Do You Find the EnergY
- Thinking Out Loud
- 'Who Am I' in daily life.
- Communicating with your Inner World
- People and Numbers.
- De 4 colors:Challenges,Insights,Gifts & Tools.
- The 3 Realities and their Gatekeepers
- The Storyteller in The World
- Earth,Breath,Presence.
- Ancient Wisdom and Personal Development.
- Your Imaginative Force
- Positive Conflict
- The Missing Link Uncovered
- Fear of Spiders and Other Obstacles
- It started with a Lamborghini
- The Business of Stretching
- The Storyteller of my Own Life
- King, Queen and Pauper alike.
- The Law of the Oxygen masks
- Sustainable Gratitude
- 7 Reasons to Create 8, 9 and 10.
- Harsh Healers
- No Sinner without a Future, no Saint without a Past
- Healthy Economy or Healthy Society?
- Ancestors United
- Energy Spam
- Three Energy Techniques To Wake Up With
- My 10 rules to live by
- Slow down
- Wednesday Energy Minute with Donna Eden
- Be My Self!
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