Saturday October 24 at Zee van Licht, Hellingweg 98K
(opposite Scheveningen Yachting Club)
Try out class Energy Medicine,
Simple techniques promoting daily energy flow.
Presented by: Ingrid Schippers
Starts at: 13.00
Doors open at: 12.30
Dress code: Leisure clothing, extra socks/warm sweater optional.
Free donation basis
Register in advance (max 12 participants) through the contact form
‘Zee van Licht’ aan de Westkant van
Scheveningen jachthaven
In de oefenruimte worden géén schoenen gedrage
Ingrid Schippers
“ I am a hunter and gatherer for as long as I remember, searching for answers in my head, my heart and in the world.
All knowledge, insights and experience I have acquired in my search, come together and enrich my practice as energy counselor. By combining knowledge that is as ancient as humanity with daily practical physical and energetic exercises, I help my clients to maintain and strenghten their physical, mental and spiritual energy, and to gain more insight in the patterns in their life that lead to more happiness and well-being.” More about my background »