(Click the star for more information of the meaning of the card)

This morning of the 20th of December of 2016;XVII. The Star
while I was thinking of which roast vegetables I want to make for Christmas eve dinner;
and was thinking about the presents I still need to get;
and was thinking about the fresh white bread I would have to buy tomorrow to have it old enough by Saturday to make the Turkey stuffing;
this same morning, I also took my time to do my morning energy routine.

I tapped the four taps; stomach, kidney, thymus and spleen,
Stretched the skin of my throat to ‘stretch spleen’ and allow more space for the oxygen to flow;
I lightly nipped with quick superficial movements with a cluster of my thumb and two fingers at my facial skin, going over my cheeks, around my eyes, along the jaw line and after a while felt the tingling sensation of muscles relaxing and blood flow increasing.

Then I traced the meridians, starting with central meridian, guiding the energy with my hands from pelvic floor to lower lip over the front of my body, using the affirmation :

I Center Myself in Spirit;

Then I did the same with Governing meridian, placing my hands at the root of my spine, gliding up the spine as high as I could get to then switch position, fold my arms over my shoulders, picking up governing from between the shoulderblades, moved my hands over my head and nose to my upper lip, while using the affirmation

‘I Ground Myself in Gratitude

Then I moved on to Stomach, as it was between 7 and 9 am , using the affirmation:

I Trust the Mystery of Life

to then pick the meridian flow wheel up, starting with Spleen:

I Nourish Myself with Love’

moving to Heart:

I Love Myself Deeply and Completely

and while doubting if Turkey might actually be the right choice even though it has been a family tradition for years, I used the affirmation for small intestine:

 I Am Decisive and I Know what I Want

And then, when after Bladder, it was Kidney’s turn and I pressed my fingers into the center of the life source points under the ball of my feet; I noticed they were mighty tender. I decided to add ‘The Cat and Cow’ as a Yoga pose to my trail of energy exercise, enjoying the deep breathing flowing to my lower back, nourishing the kidneys.cat cow

After finishing the meridian routine I simply sat for a while on the edge of my bed, in ‘chairpose’ eyes closed, hands open in my lap, treasuring the utterly relaxed feeling that had taken hold of me.

The thought popped into my head that the best I could do to make Christmas dinner a success was to have a relaxed and well rested mother of the bunch sitting at the dinner table with all who would be there.

How many Christmases did I spent pacing up and down the kitchen out of fear the Turkey would come out dry as cardboard or because I thought I had put it in the oven too late?

How many times did I hardly eat myself because I had been so stressed out and so set on everything being perfect that all I could do was eye the table like a hawk to see if it was to everyone’s satisfaction;

…even when I knew that wasn’t what Christmas was all about…

I wish everyone a peaceful and content Christmas 2016.
My thoughts go especially to the men, women and children who have lived and live through pain, loss and struggle.
What I wish for Christmas is for all of us, to be able to wake up in a better world.


December 20 2016, Ingrid Schippers


Please note: The exercises mentioned above, with the exception of Cat & Cow, are derived from Donna Eden’s  book ‘Energy Medicine’  or the innersource handout bank

To get more information on the 2017 dates and locations for  ‘Bodylanguage of Energy’ group sessions, that include Donna Eden’s 5 minute daily routine and Tracing the Meridians as mentioned above, please send me a message through the contact form.