Today,on this ninth day of the winter solstice contemplation following the footsteps of our pagan ancestors in  the way they would use the ritual  in pre-christian days; I am just going to describe the essentials of the Nan Yar Who Am I card  ‘9 of Tools’  for inspiration.   ‘

9 of Insights

One of the interpretations in numerology is that ‘9″ is the number of (inter)connection, everything being part of everything else with nothing being an exception to the rule.

While we may separate one from the other in daily life society, in the Spirit World nothing stays behind. Every gesture, movement, act of kindness or malice for that matter, is equally importent and will transform into something else, returning to sender what sender  initialised.  Just something to think about.

As 9th card of the  suit of Insights – which are all about personal development that is ignited while experiencing the challenges of life – it asks you to look for the moments in  the year that passed, when you felt a true connection to yourself and your intentions in life and the effect this had from the greater good. What did it give you in return?

And remember to remember your dreams tonight; see what they have to reveal about your intentions


 to read more on the practice of the winter solstice contemplation ritual click here. 



Click on the 9 of Insights to read more on the meaning of the card.
Draw your own card on the right side of this blog and see what it summons up from your inner imaginings.