Today, on this 8th day of  practising the 12 -day  winter solstice contemplation ritual the way our pagan ancestors used to perform it in pre-christian days,  we take a closer look at  the Nan Yar – Who Am I personal development card titled  ‘Imagination’, the 8 of Gifts.

One may wonder why humanity was gifted Imagination. It plays an important part in how we view ourselves and the world around us and works both ways, either in disbelief of something being possible or in recognising that all big  steps forward in the development of humanity were created in the realm of imagination first.

In numerology the 8 stands for Karma, the endless chain of ever evolving lifetimes that shape the development of every unique human being and therewith ultimately the greater good.
Tilted 45 degrees either way,  the 8 reflects the so-called Lemniscate, the symbol that stands for the infinite nature of energy. Nothing ever stays the same. Everything at the some point turns into something else, yet whatever it changes into, it always holds some  form of energy creating something else. In the Macrocosmos nothing goes to waste.

When wood is set on fire, it turns into ashes.  Ashes in turn fertilise earth and make way for new life. This is how it works with everything. Every action, gesture, thought, word, feeling, wish, desire, gift or other form of energy,  ultimately results into something else. Even the energy of animals, plants and minerals own this potential for change.

8 of Gifts

Questions you might ask yourself  while looking back at the year that was during the winter solstice ritual is what changes occurred in your life in the year that passed and which of your own actions played a role in creating those outcomes

With past and future irrevocably interconnected as symbolised in the lemniscate, you can also look ahead at what you would want to change, using of course…your imagination.

And thirdly, before going to sleep, set the intention to remember your dreams, keeping pen and paper close, so you can dot down keywords straight after waking up and record what ‘product of your imagination’ your dreams came up with..

 to read more on the practice of the winter solstice contemplation ritual click here. 





Click on the 8 of Gifts to read more on the meaning of the card.
Draw your own card on the right side of this blog and see what it summons up from your inner imaginings.