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Stay Safe, Stay Healthy


Stay Safe, Stay HealthyBody language of Energy, Dutchbuzz blogs, Exercises, Inspiration, Nan Yar Who Am I personal development cards, News

by Ingrid Schippers on October 12, 2020 with 0 comments

Recently I was asked to write about  the effect on the local community of the rising number of people being tested positive Now the fact in itself that I merely have to mention ‘the number of people being tested positive’ for every one to understand what I am talking about is a testimony in itself. …

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Reality versus Make Belief


Reality versus Make BeliefDutchbuzz blogs, Nan Yar Who Am I personal development cards

by Ingrid Schippers on October 6, 2020 with 0 comments

Have you ever noticed how commercials on body creams that supposedly make your skin soft and vibrant, always portray skinny women in their thirties? The ones with straight white teeth and not a zit in sight. It is never a menopausal woman with visibly dry skin, excess facial hair and the infamous 10 kilo overweight …

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The Body Language of Energy


The Body Language of EnergyBody language of Energy, Dutchbuzz blogs, Nan Yar Who Am I personal development cards, News

by Ingrid Schippers on October 6, 2020 with 0 comments

The very first time ever I participated in a Yoga class, I had the surprising experience of ‘recognizing’ the postures and stretches we were shown to do. “Maybe you were a yogi in a past life” my inner voice joked. My rational mind however disagreed. In fact what it recognized – even though perhaps not …

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