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Ingrid SchippersMy name is Ingrid Schippers. My present spot on earth is the international community of The Hague, The Netherlands. I’ve lived and studied in several places around the globe. In that sense I see myself as a world citizen, traveling the world as well as the mind.

The role of the word

I’ve seen myself as a writer for as long as I can remember and have documented my thoughts in writing ever since I was eleven years old. At the age of 16 I had my first column titled ‘Girl Talk’ in the local weekly of the town that I lived in, reflecting  and exploring the riddles surrounding existence.

This manner of communicating extended itself into writing poems, lyrics, stand-up comedian acts, blogs and essays. Also in communicating with myself, I tend to find my answers while writing about the question.

Together with Scottish author Tom McKerley I wrote  two genealogy mystery novels, in which the search for ones roots and becoming aware of who you are, is part of the key to solve the mystery.

Bodywork and Counseling

That same natural curiosity and quest to explore the deeper energies that set people in motion, brought me to the practice of Yoga in my early twenties. Two decades further on this evolved into a teacher training with the yoga institute Helen van der Kroef in The Hague; followed by a second cycle of courses specializing in personal development at the Kripalu center for Yoga and Health in the United States; where I was also inspired by the workshops of dreamteacher Robert Moss and his insights and techniques on the art of conscious dreaming. To further professionalize this gathered information, I trained as a counselor in The Hague

Next on my path to inspiration were pioneers Donna Eden en  David Feinstein, authors of the internationale renowned book  ‘Energy Medicine'; which gives a description of the 9 energy systems to support the physical body based on the insights of Eden Energy Medicine.  As translator of the additional texts for the 2012 Dutch edition ‘  (‘Werken met energetische geneeskunde‘), I was given the opportunity to deepen my perception of the essence of energies that are ultimately responsible  for each and every person’s individual and yet universal body language of energy.

Nan Yar – Who Am I

The method Nan Yar -Who Am I, originates from a profound sequence of experiences in my personal life, in which psychiatrist Cees van der Kroef – husband to Helen van der Kroef with whom I had teamed up in yoga teaching –  gave me insight in the several layers of life’s journey in body, mind and spirit and how this diversity is mirrored in the archetypical characteristics each person carries within a unique manner and are indeed experienced and expressed in a unique way in daily life.

Intrigued by the Hermetic sources, while at the same time confused by the mediëval symbolism en phrasing of the Marseille Tarot, the writer within me was triggered to translate its terminology to a more simplified form of awakening, adjusted to a more modern interpretation of spirituality and how to give meaning to life.  As such the first edition of the Nan Yar Who Am I tarot cards was published in 2014.

The ‘only thing left to do’ was to write a manual to the cards from which the card readers could distill their own interpretation. I did not however want this to be a standard book of preconceived statements; feeling that the Archetypes, Colours, Numbers and Court-cards always reflect a personal truth in each different and ever changing situation

With this personal struggle in my trail I signed myself on at the  ‘Academie voor Geesteswetenschappen (Academy of Humanities) in Utrecht, where the idea and title ‘Reflections in the Mirrors of het Soul” found fertile breeding ground to describe 10 portals to (modern) awareness. My goal is to publish this guidebook by September ’23 on this website.

My practice as energy counselor

All teachings, insights and experiences gathered  – and still being gathering I should add – during my personal quest, come together is my practice as energy counselor.

By combining knowledge as old as humanity itself with practical energy exercities, I support my clients to maintain their fysica, mental en spiritual energy and deepen their insight on the patterns that co-determine the outcomes in life’s journey.

We are all the authors of our own life story. ”

Reflections in the Mirrors of the Soul, Ingrid Schippers


Learning by sharing

It has become my personal belief that we have more to share with the world than we often give ourselves credit for and that our so-called ‘weaknesses’ are in fact the learning curves on which we evolve. with each unique  creative individual contributing a personal meaning to life.

In my capacity as life counselor and intuitive, I invite you to deepen your awareness of the Tao, your personal journey through life and in that, to follow the inner wisdom each and everyone of us holds within.

Ingrid Schippers.