Yesterday I attended the ‘ Vitality, Health and JoY’ gathering, delivered by Angela Walsh Denis, an advanced Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner who travels the world to spread teachings on spiritual development and the mental, emotional and physical layers that support it.

There’s a lot to be taught in an 8- hour day , yet sometimes it is that one fleeting remark in between the lines, that almost goes unnoticed and yet hits you the most.

In Angela’s class last Saturday it was the following quick comment while demonstrating a healing technique, that jolted my train of thoughts, when she said (in words as I remember them):

It is the person being healed, rather than the healer, who is doing the healing.

I’ve always been conscious of the principle that whom is called the healer is actually the facilitator of the energies that do the healing rather than being the performer of  a miracle that cures the client.
Even more so, at the very beginning of my own practice this knowledge caused me to doubt my capacities as a healer; for what did I really do except for act on my intuition, and combine that with techniques I had learned?

As someone born in the 20th century, brought up with pills and other pharmaceutical products to restore my vitality if needed, who was I to think I could achieve this differently with unseen energies? And what gave me the right to do this for others?
If it had not been for seeing and sensing the healing taking place, both in myself and in others, I would never have believed myself to be a healer, either in the sense of being a facilitator of other people’s healing or as in healing myself, and yet I have experienced both.

I still consider it a challenge to actually believe unseen energies can do the job. In the material context of my culture it seems so much easier to take a pill, even when I hardly ever use pharmaceuticals myself and know healing energies are omnipresent any place, any time and any occasion, ready to be of healing service to whoever needs it or wants to facilitate it.

The common statement of those who are skeptical towards alternative medicine and say it only works when you believe it, might well be true for the bigger part.
In order to apply the naturally existing energies that support self-healing and explore them to the best of their capacity, it is important to acknowledge them first.

In that sense there is not so much difference between taking an aspirine to fight a headache or to apply energy medicine. In both cases believing it will work is half the cure.
The big difference between the two is that the first solution, using pharmaceuticals, is obtained from the outside world, while the second option, self-healing, comes from within.

The thing to remember in healing, in any situation, using whatever method, is that healing takes place the best where it is facilitated the best; to choose what makes you feel the most at ease with yourself.
The inner healer, who lives and loves us within us all, knows where to take it from there.


Ingrid Schippers, 18-09-2016

Visit the other pages of for information on the Body Language of Energy and Nan Yar – Who Am I personal development Group, Individual and Skype sessions.

To connect, send me a mail at, optionally with a phone number, so I can call you.

And before you leave….draw your own Nan Yar- Who Am I card of the day on the right of this blog. Click the card and let your subconscious do the thinking…

This blog is featured as spoken end note of the Dutchbuzz edition of 20 September 2016 and can be listened to on The Hague FM from 10.00 tot 11.00 pm or on the Dutchbuzz podcast of 20 September 2016